1. Knowledge Center
  2. Life as an Allied Healthcare Traveler

What is Allied Healthcare?

Allied health professionals deliver health related services that are distinctly different from medicine and nursing.

According to the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions (ASHAP), allied professionals are the health professions distinctly different from medicine and nursing. They further define allied professions as being “concerned with the identification, diagnostic evaluation, and treatment of acute and chronic diseases and disorders; provision of dietary nutrition services; rehabilitation services; and the management and operation of health systems.”

To make it even easier, we’ve listed the healthcare professions that fall under Allied below:

Athletic training
Cardiovascular perfusion technology
Dental Hygiene
Diagnostic and medical sonography
Emergency medical technicians
Health administration
Health information management
Lactation Consultant
Medical technology
Music therapist
Nuclear medicine technology
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Physician assistant
Radiation therapy technology
Rehabilitation counseling
Respiratory therapy
Respiratory therapy technology
Speech-language pathology