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  2. ProVenture - App & Portal

How to Complete Your Skills Checklist

If a skills checklist is required, the option will appear once you've selected your specialty.

Login to ProVenture and from the Home screen, scroll down to "Complete Your Profile" under the "ONBOARDING" section. Click "Edit" to access your profile and make updates.

Watch this video to guide you through editing your completed skills checklist:



If you haven't added your specialty yet click the plus sign and select your specialty (or specialties) from the list.


If a skills checklist is required, "Click to Complete" will appear in the blue box below.


Click the blue box and a skills checklist summary will open (like below). Click the drop down arrow and answer every question in all sections until every section has a green dot. If any section is incomplete, an orange dot will appear next to that section (like below). To complete unfinished sections, simply click the down arrow.

Once completed, click the "Update Skill Checklist" button at the bottom of the screen (the "Update" button will only become active when all the checklist sections are completed.)

Once you've completed all your edits, click the "Update" button at the bottom of your profile.
