Update your skills checklist in ProVenture simply by clicking "profile" in the left navigation.
If you're logged in to ProVenture from your computer or web browser, click "Profile" in the left navigation:
Next, click on the tab you want to edit, then scroll down and click "edit."
Finally, click on your specialty block, and it will open your completed checklist.
This will open your skills checklist menu. Click on the section(s) that needs updating, complete your changes, then click "Update Skill Checklist."
Once updated, it will take you back to the previous screen where you'll simply click "Update" and you're all finished!
If you're logged in to the app, click the "hamburger menu" in the upper left corner of the Home page (the three lines at the top):
Then click the top link reading “Complete Your Profile," and the "edit" button will appear on the next screen.
You can also find a video demonstration of this process below: